권석규, Seok-Kyu Kwon
Ph.D. Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST (2010)
B.S. Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST (2005)
- 2019.03~current: Associate professor, KIST school, UST, Seoul, Republic of Korea
- 2018.03~current: Senior researcher, KIST, Seoul, Republic of Korea
- 2013.11~2017.12: Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
- 2011.05~2013.10: Postdoctoral Fellow, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA
- 2010.09~2011.04: Postdoctoral Fellow, KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
- Investigating functional roles of mitochondria for brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases
- Developing new imaging techniques for monitoring mitochondrial and synaptic function
- Exploring mitochondrial distribution and function in various circuits
Dysfunction of mitochondrial Ca2+ regulatory machineries in brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases. Hyunsu Jung, Su Yeon Kim, Fatma Sema Canbakis Cecen, Yongcheol Cho, and Seok-Kyu Kwon* Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2020; 8: 599792.
Super-Resolution Three-Dimensional Imaging of Actin Filaments in Cultured Cells and the Brain via Expansion Microscopy. Chan E Park, Youngbin Cho, In Cho, Hyunsu Jung, Byeongyeon Kim, Jennifer H. Shin, Sungyoung Choi, Seok-Kyu Kwon*, Young Ki Hahn*, and Jae-Byum Chang* (* co-corresponding author) ACS Nano 2020, 2020, 14, 11, 14999–15010.
Pleiotropic Mitochondria: The Influence of Mitochondria on Neuronal Development and Disease. Rangaraju V, Lewis TL Jr, Hirabayashi Y, Bergami M, Motori E, Cartoni R, Kwon SK*, Courchet J*. (* co-corresponding author) J. Neuroscience. 2019 Oct 16;39(42):8200-8208
MFF-dependent mitochondrial fission regulates presynaptic release and axon branching by limiting axonal mitochondria size. Lewis TL*, Kwon SK*, Lee A, Shaw R and Polleux F (2018) (* co-first author) Nature Communications 9:5008 (2018)
- ER-mitochondria tethering by PDZD8 regulates Ca2+ dynamics in mammalian neurons. Hirabayashi Y*, Kwon SK*, Paek H, Pernice W, Paul MA, Lee J, Erfani P, Raczkowski A, Petrey DS, Liza A. Pon LA and Polleux F. (2017) (* co-first author) Science 358, 623–630 (2017)
- LKB1 regulates mitochondria-dependent presynaptic calcium clearance and neurotransmitter release properties at excitatory synapses along cortical axons Kwon SK, Sando R, Lewis TL, Hirabayashi Y, Maximov A and Polleux F. (2016) PLoS Biology. 14(7):e1002516 (2016)
- IgSF9b is coupled to neuroligin 2 via S-SCAM to promote inhibitory synapse development. Woo J*, Kwon SK*, Nam JY*, Choi SW*, Takahashi H*, Krueger D, Park JH, Bae JY, Ko JW, Lee DM, Kim H, Kim MH, Bae YC, Chang SH, Craig AM and Kim E. (2013)(* co-first author) Journal of Cell Biology, 201:929-944
- Trans-synaptic adhesions between netrin-G ligand-3 (NGL-3) and receptor tyrosine phosphatases LAR, PTPδ, and PTPσ via specific domains regulate excitatory synapse formation. Kwon SK*, Woo J*, Kim SY, Kim H and Kim E. (2010). (* co-first author) J. Biol. Chem. 285:13966-13978
- Trans-synaptic adhesion between NGL-3 and LAR regulates the formation of excitatory synapses. Woo J*, Kwon SK*, Choi S, Kim S, Lee JR, Dunah AW, Sheng M and Kim E. (2009). (*co-first author) Nature Neuroscience 12:428-437.