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번호 제목 작성자 작성일 추천 조회
We are looking for highly motivated POST-DOC (2021)
c ns | 2019.04.29 | 추천 0 | 조회 1372
c ns 2019.04.29 0 1372
[Cell] KCNE1 is an auxiliary subunit of two distinct ion channel superfamilies
Hyesu Kim | 2021.01.25 | 추천 0 | 조회 217
Hyesu Kim 2021.01.25 0 217
[Nature] Astrocytes phagocytose adult hippocampal synapses for circuit homeostasis
Kyungmin Kim | 2021.01.18 | 추천 0 | 조회 220
Kyungmin Kim 2021.01.18 0 220
[Neuron] Piezo1-Mediated Ca2+ Activities Regulate Brain Vascular Pathfinding during Development
강복음 | 2021.01.08 | 추천 0 | 조회 235
강복음 2021.01.08 0 235
[Nature] Nociceptive nerves regulate haematopoietic stem cell mobilization
Hyungsup Kim | 2021.01.03 | 추천 0 | 조회 236
Hyungsup Kim 2021.01.03 0 236
[Nat. Neurosci.] USH2A is a Meissner’s corpuscle protein necessary for normal vibration sensing in mice and humans
Dr. Oh | 2020.12.28 | 추천 0 | 조회 238
Dr. Oh 2020.12.28 0 238
[Nat. Neurosci.] Disease-associated astrocytes in Alzheimer's disease and aging
Hyesun Cho | 2020.11.27 | 추천 0 | 조회 246
Hyesun Cho 2020.11.27 0 246
[Science] Coupling of NMDA receptors and TRPM4 guides discovery of unconventional neuroprotectants
HONG | 2020.11.14 | 추천 0 | 조회 255
HONG 2020.11.14 0 255
[Nature] Increased synapse elimination by microglia in schizophrenia patient-derived models of synaptic pruning
설윤희 | 2020.11.09 | 추천 0 | 조회 250
설윤희 2020.11.09 0 250
[Nature] PIEZO2 in sensory neurons and urothelial cells coordinates urination
Uhtaek Oh | 2020.11.02 | 추천 0 | 조회 239
Uhtaek Oh 2020.11.02 0 239
[Nature] Innovations present in the primate interneuron repertoire
Chanhyeok Park | 2020.10.26 | 추천 0 | 조회 266
Chanhyeok Park 2020.10.26 0 266